Specialising in 20th Century Studio Pottery and Contemporary Ceramics

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We thank all those who made our last on-line exhibition the great success it was.
Future on-line exhibitions are planned, although the dates and subject are yet to be announced.
Please bookmark this page now to avoid the disappointment of missing our next one.

Studio Pottery


John Rastall a well known figure in the world of Studio Pottery runs the Harliquin Gallery,one the few Galleries to exhibit both Contempory and Classical Stuido ceramics.


Sydney (Australia) based website, specialising in Mid Century Design and Collectibles.

Mike Dodd
Butleigh Pottery

Mike works mostly in stoneware, sometimes in porcelain, producing a standard but evolving range of affordable domestic ware and continues to devote some of his time to 'individual peices' which extend the intuitive and experimental aspects of his work.
The pottery is open from Wednesday to Saturday, 11am to 5pm April to October (other times by appointment). Tel. 01458 850385
Email: mdodd@clara.co.uk

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